Dear Senator Pilcher-Cook ,
I am writing to you today to thank you
for the bill that you are introducing which would ban surrogacy in
Kansas. I am a product of a traditional surrogacy, and support all
bans on surrogacy.
Surrogacy is not in the best interest
for children. My reasons for believing this are as follows.
- Surrogacy is a great way to circumnavigate the home studies which are done for children of adoption. Meaning that there is no guarantee that the children being born are being ensured a safe home.
- I myself lived in an abusive household, and was ultimately removed from the intended parents care just after turning 17. My reality, is that I don't have a relationship with my birth father, or adoptive mother, and they don't have a child. Surrogacy isn't a magic answer for creating families.
- Peter Troung and Mark Newton a California couple who hired a Russian surrogate for $8,000.00 to start their family. Days after he was born they started sexually abusing, created distributed child pornography, traveled the world prostituting their son to a pedophile network. What Newton had to say when he and his partner were sentenced to 40 years in prison "being a father was an honor and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life". (This couple desperately wanted their child.)
- The majority of all surrogacy is done with either donor egg or sperm. This means when we create children via this technology we are intentionally creating them to separate them from one or both biological parents. There has been much evidence within the world of psychology that shows the detrimental effects of separating a child from their biological parents.
- A letter to mental health journal by E Wellisch "...knowledge of and definite relationship to his genealogy is necessary for a child to build up his complete body image and world picture. It's an inalienable and entitled right of every person. There's an urge a call in everybody to follow and fulfill the tradition of the family, race, religion and community into which he was born" reason behind the letter was deprivation of this could develop into a stunting of emotional development.
- There is a primal wound, for both the child and the mother when the child is separated from their birth mother. Nancy Verrier wrote a book titled Primal Wound. (Here is a link to a blog by an adoptee who read the book, and her thoughts about it, and how the primal wound resonates with her )
- The children being born via surrogacy are not entitled to know the truth about their conception.
- Many egg donor agencies don't keep donor information on file, so if the egg donor were to develop cancer years after donating her eggs she would not be able to let her offspring know that they need to be aware and have early screening done. Picture every time that you've been to the doctor's office and have had to fill out family medical history. Then, imagine that you get salt rubbed in the would every time because you don't have a right to this information. That the people who are protected in donor conception are only the adults involved and not the people created this way.
- This is an excerpt about twin siblings from a traditional
adoption who not knowing they were sibling married. The entire
article can be found at
Chris Atkins of the organization Adults Affected by Adoption said
that although such cases are unusual, the attraction between the
twins is not surprising. "There is a phenomenon called genetic
sexual attraction," Atkins said, noting that people tend to be
attracted to people with similar likes and dislikes, sense of humor
and even looks. "That happens with people who are not
related," she said. "If siblings meet who are not aware
they are biologically related, to all intents and purposes they're
going to think, 'This is my ideal match.' " The extraordinary
case also could reignite a long-simmering debate in Britain over
the right of adopted children to know the identity of their
biological parents, the Evening Standard reported. "There will
be more causes like this if children are not given access to the
truth," said Prof. Lord David Alton, who uncovered the twins'
case last month. (We as a society need to consider issues like
these. Within surrogacy it is completely possible that you're using
donor sperm. Within the U.S. There are no restrictions on sperm
donors and the number of times that they can donate. What we're
starting to see now are donor children who have siblings in the
amount of triple digits.
Sperm donor with 150 children)
fathered 1,000 children most who don't know their background)
Sperm donor who fathered 400 children, demanding regulation on
sperm banks)
- As someone who is active within the donor conceived
community, a common thread that I see between my peers is that
they're all curious about where they came from. I see so many
people asking which donor registry communities they should go to in
order to have the best odds of finding either their siblings or
their biological parent.
- This industry turns children into commodities.
No one is entitled to have a child, children are
- Quote from the
"Son of a Surrogate" Blog
It looks to me like I was bought and sold. You can dress it up with as many pretty words as you want. You can wrap it up in a silk freaking scarf. You can pretend these are not your children. You can say it is a gift or you donated your egg to the IM. But the fact is that someone has contracted you to make a child, give up your parental rights and hand over your flesh and blood child. I dont care if you think I am not your child, what about what I think! Maybe I know I am your child.When you exchange something for money it is called a commodity.
- The basis of creating a creating
children in surrogacy are contracts, lawyers and money.
That's not in the best interest of children.
- Due to the fact that the process
to buy the child is costly, too many embryos often get transferred.
This increases the instances of pregnancy with multiples. At the
end of the day this means that we're seeing an increase in fetal
reductions, because obviously it's high risk to the mothers to
carry multiples.
- Designer babies? want just boys? you do this by
"creating a bunch of embryos and search for and destroy the
female embryos" (Below are excerpts from an interview which is
shared by The Center for Bioethics and Culture
- LAHL: Who were your typical egg donors in the
early days?
KAY: Most of our donors were married moms, who had already had their children and wanted to make some extra money. Most of the donors had good intentions in wanting to help someone have a baby, but in all the years I did this work, I never met anyone who wanted to do it for free.
- LAHL: What changes did you see happening with
the patients (recipients) over the years?
KAY: I saw a shift in the fertility patients who had become more demanding, wanting ‘designer babies’. I recall calling one woman who was using a surrogate and an egg donor to have a child. She was very picky about the women she wanted to use. One day, I was working on a Saturday, and I thought I’d found the perfect donor for her, so I called her. She said she was busy and asked if she could call me back in about 30 minutes. I explained that I wasn’t going to be available then so she said she’d get off the treadmill now so we could talk. I thought it was strange that she was so picky, but didn’t want to stop her exercise to discuss the egg donor I found for her. This was a child she so desperately wanted, but her exercise was her priority?
- LAHL: Who were your typical egg donors in the
early days?
- Quote from the
"Son of a Surrogate" Blog
Again, I thank you sincerely for proposing a ban on surrogacy. As a product of surrogacy I fully believe that this is in the best interest of children, women and families.